Friday, 26 September 2008

Superspeed studio video

So far we've spent six days in the studio working on the second album. Madness levels are still at nominal. Five all-new Witches songs will be finding their way to your ears in the next month or so. We've got cellos, double basses, flutes and backing vocals still to record and with any luck we'll get it all finished this weekend. Oh, and there might be bagpipes. Is that wrong? Quite possibly, but we can't talk Rich out of it.

Anyway, Dave B recorded the first two days of studio on a webcam and sped it up to superspeed, condensing it all down into a bite-sized chunk of mayhem - all four minutes of it. Needless to say it took quite a bit longer in reality. And there were more fart jokes. You can see it all here. Ben goes particularly mental towards then end, bless him.

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