Monday, 10 November 2008

Teh Intarwebs 2.0

To coincide with the Big Hair Halloween gig and giving out the new CD, we wanted to update the look of the website - so we got in touch with Emily - who created most of our artwork to date - and put a new piece together. I think it's rather good as well, so many thanks to Emily :-)

After getting the new artwork on the site, I finally found some time to get all Web 2.0 and finish implementing a Flickr photo loader on the gigs page. This will pick up the three most interesting pictures tagged with "witches" and the relevant Last.FM event id, and automagically show them next to the gig listing.

So - for a concrete example - jinty took a pic of Jo at the halloween gig, which I saw on the Oxford music pool. I added the Last.FM event id for that gig: lastfm:event=719073, and bingo - it appears on the gigs page.

Since then I've uploaded and tagged a bunch of photos taken by various friends and family at various gigs, and tagged some pics already on Flickr so there's photos appearing for a fair few gigs. I'm hoping that everyone will get in the habit of tagging their pics in Flickr so they appear automatically - hint, hint...

I've got more photo archives to tag and upload, and then I'll see what other bits of the site could benefit from some love. News of further captivating band logistics coming when it happens...

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